This was a tricky photo as we were aiming for a few things: dramatic portrait lighting, consistent environmental lighting and a pleasing quality of light across the face. The idea was around 'sun worshiping' to the deity Huitzilopochtli. This practice is part of the Aztec...

Location scouting for photo shoots is critical to my planning. It is one of the parts I can’t really make up as I go along. If a light breaks, I can change the tone of the photo to work around this. If a pose doesn’t...

When it comes to my photography, I'm a big planner. When we first started doing the Aztec Photography Workshops, I would have the whole day choreographed days ahead. The location, time of day, compositions and light setups....

Blessed with a magical landscape that seems to work its way into many a Hollywood movie, Iceland has become a bucket list staple for more than just photographers. The tourism onslaught means that both the attractions and the access to them are changing...

The bejewelled night skies above Arches National Park​ had a powerful effect on both of us. Our place in life assumed its true perspective (we're small, the universe is massive; that sort of thing) yet we came out inspired and galvanised to go onto greater...

Sometimes you get much better photos if you go against the tide. I took this photo of Hermosa Pier on one of our last nights in LA. It's a spot where a thousand sunset have been taken - so I tried something different....